Dinh Nguyen
Former Graduate Student (2018-2024, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2018, University of Tokyo
Emily Desormeaux
Deb Berthold
Former Research Associate
Haoqian “Lainey” Liang
Former Graduate Student (2018-2024, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2017, Zhengzhou University, China
Sara Eslami
Former Graduate Student (2018-2024, Ph.D.)
B.A. 2017, Wellesley College
Tung Le
Former Graduate Student (2017-2023, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2017, Texas Christian University
Raymond Sarksian
Former Graduate Student (2018-2023, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2017, UC San Diego
Richard Ayikpoe
Former Postdoc (2020-2023)
B.S. 2012: University of Ghana
Ph.D. 2019: University of Denver
Anna Conley
Former Graduate Student (2021-2022, M.S.)
B.S. 2020: Carleton College
Watson Fellowship, Carleton College
Autumn Frerk
Former Graduate Student (2019-2023, M.S.)
B.S. 2019: Purdue University
Hyunji Lee
Former Postdoc (2020-2022)
B.S. 2010: Yeungnam University
M.S. 2012: Seoul National University
Ph.D. 2020: Duke University
Assistant Professor at College of Pharmacy at Kyungsung University, Korea
Constantin Giurgiu
Former Postdoc (2021-2022)
B.S. 2015: University of Oxford
MChem 2016: University of Oxford
Page Daniels
Former Graduate Student (2017-2022, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2016, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN
Max Simon
Former Graduate Student (2016-2022, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2015, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Chunyu “Layla” Wu
Shi Liu
Former Postdoc (2019-2021)
B.S. 2009: Nankai University, China
M.S. 2012: Penn State University
Ph.D. 2019: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore
Daisuke Fujinami
Former Postdoc (2021-2022)
B.S. 2011: Kyushu University, Japan
M.S. 2013: Kyushu University, Japan
Ph.D. 2017: Kyushu University, Japan
Imran Rahman
Former Graduate Student (2016-2021, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2015, University of California, San Diego
Martin McLaughlin
Former Graduate Student (2015-2021, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2015: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Krist
Former Postdoc (2016-2020)
B.A. 2008: Grinnell College
Ph.D. 2016: Northwestern University
Chi Ting
Former Postdoc (2017-2020)
B.S. 2012: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Ph.D. 2017: University of California, Berkeley
Ian Bothwell
Former Postdoc (2015-2020)
B.S. 2007: Southwestern University
Ph.D. 2015: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Chang He
Former Graduate Student (2014-2020, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2014: Sichuan University, China
Subhanip Biswas
Former Graduate Student (2014-2020, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2012: Presidency College (Now known as Presidency University), University of Calcutta
Silvia Bobeica
Former Graduate Student (2013-2020, Ph.D.)
B.A. 2013: Colgate University
Julian Hegemann
Former Postdoc (2016-2019)
M.S. 2011: Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
Ph.D. 2014: Marahiel Lab, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
Junior Group Leader at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)
Jeella Acedo
Former Postdoc (2018-2019)
B.S. 2009: University of the Philippines, Los Baños
Ph.D. 2017: University of Alberta
Graeme Howe
Former Postdoc (2016-2019)
B.S. 2011: University of Toronto
Ph.D. 2016: University of Toronto
Kuan-Yu “Nick” Lai
Former Graduate Student (2014-2019, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2010, National Taiwan University
Linna An
Former Graduate Student (2014-2019, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2014: University of Science and Technology of China
Mark Walker
Former Postdoc (2013-2018)
B.A. 2004: Oberlin College
Ph.D. 2013: University of California – Berkeley
Debapriya "Priya" Dutta
Former Postdoc (2012-2018)
B.S. 2005: West Bengal University of Technology, India
Ph.D. 2012: University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Nidhi Kakkar
Former Graduate Student (2012-2018, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2010: Chemistry, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Emily Ulrich
Former Graduate Student (2012-2018, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2010: Macalester College
Technical Editor at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Zhengan Zhang
Former Graduate Student (2013-2018, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2013: Wuhan University, China
Assistant Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, China
Kwo-Kwang “Abraham” Wang
Kenton Hetrick
Former Graduate Student (2013-2018, Ph.D.)
B.A. 2007: Harvard University
Marc Ryan Gancayco
Former Graduate Student (2015-2018, M.S.)
B.S. 2011, San Jose State University
Michael Funk
Former Postdoc (2015-2017)
B.S. 2008: Vanderbilt University
Ph.D. 2015: MIT
Lindsay Repka
Former Postdoc (2013-2017)
B.A. 2008: Barnard College
Ph.D. 2013: California Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Middlebury College
Liujie Huo
Former Postdoc (2014-2017)
M.S. 2010: Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Saarland University, Germany
Ph.D. 2014: Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Saarland University, Germany.
Xiling Zhao
Former Graduate Student (2011-2017, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2011: University of California, San Diego
Zedu Huang
Former Postdoc (2012-2016)
B.S. 2007: Zhejiang University, China
Ph.D. 2012: University of Alberta, Canada
Gabrielle Thibodeaux
Former Postdoc (2011-2016)
B.S. 2004: Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
Ph.D. 2009: University of Texas, Austin
Chris Thibodeaux
Former Postdoc (2011-2016)
B.S. 2002: Louisiana State University
Ph.D. 2010: University of Texas, Austin
Manuel A. Ortega
Former Graduate Student (2010-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2010: University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Chantal Garcia De Gonzalo
Former Graduate Student (2010-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2010: Florida State University, FL
Subha Mukherjee
Former Graduate Student (2010-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2008: Chemistry, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira (RKMV), University of Calcutta
Yi Yu
Former Graduate Student (2009-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2009: Wuhan University, China
Xiao Yang
Former Graduate Student (2009-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2009: Peking University, China
Weixin Tang
Former Graduate Student (2009-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2009: Tsinghua University, China
Min Zeng
Former Graduate Student (2008-2015, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2008: Fudan University, China (METU)
Jiangtao Gao
Former Postdoc (2010-2014)
B.S. : Ocean University of China
M.S. : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. 2010: University of Mississippi
Qi Zhang
Former Postdoc (2011-2014)
B.S. 2003: Fudan University
Ph.D. 2010: Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC)
Rebecca Splain
Former Postdoc (2011-2014)
B.S./B.A. 2004: Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Ph.D. 2011: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Investigator at GlaxoSmithKline
Spencer Peck
Former Graduate Student (2009-2014, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2009: Stanford University
Ayse Okesli-Armlovich
Former Graduate Student (2008-2014, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2008: Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey
Huan Wang
Former Postdoc (2010-2013)
B.S. 2005: Peking University
Ph.D. 2009: University of Maryland
Despina Bougioukou
Former Postdoc (2010-2013)
B.S. 1998 & M.S. 2001: University of Crete, Greece
Ph.D. 2006, University of Florida
Noah Bindman
Former Graduate Student (2008-2013, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2007: Grinnell College, IA
Yanxiang "Nancy" Shi
Former Graduate Student (2008-2013, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2008: Nanjing University, China
John Hung
Former Graduate Student (2008-2013, Ph.D.)
B.A. 2008: Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Neha Garg
Former Graduate Student (2008-2013, Ph.D.)
B.E. 2006: Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Patrick Knerr
Former Graduate Student (2008-2013, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2008: University of Delaware, DE
Ran Zhang
Former Postdoc (2011-2012)
B.S. Peking University
Ph.D. 2010, University of British Columbia
Tong Hee Koh
Former Graduate Student (2009-2012, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2007: Korea University, South Korea
Hanmi Pharmaceutical
Heather Cooke
Former Postdoc (2009-2011)
B.S. 2003: Trinity College, Hartford, CT
Ph.D. 2009: Boston College
Seung-Young Kim
Svetlana Borisova
Former Postdoc (2007-2011)
B.S. & M.S. 1997: Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Ph.D. 2004: University of Texas, Austin
Lindsey Johnstone Shea
Former Graduate Student (2007-2011, M.S.)
B.S. 2007: Gonzaga University
Trent Oman
Former Graduate Student (2006-2011, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2006: Indiana University
Juan E. Velasquez
Former Graduate Student (2006-2011, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2006: Pontificia Bolivariana University in Colombia
Ian Gut
Former Graduate Student (2005-2011, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2003: Benedictine University
Principal Investigator at Battelle National Biodefense Institute/NBACC
Michael Kuemin
Former Postdoc (2009-2010)
Diploma 2005: University of Basel, Switzerland
Ph.D. 2009: University of Basel, Switzerland
Jin Hee Lee
Former Graduate Student (2004-2010, Ph.D.)
B.S. & M.S. 2001: Hanyang University, South Korea
John Whitteck
Former Graduate Student (2005-2010, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2005: University of Missouri – Columbia
Kevin Clark
Former Graduate Student (2004-2010, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2004: Worcester Polytechnical Institute, MA
Yuki Goto
Former Postdoc (2008-2009)
B.S. 2003 & M.S. 2005: Kyoto University, Japan
Ph.D. 2008: University of Tokyo, Japan
Nicholas Llewellyn
Former Postdoc (2008-2009)
B.S. & M.S. 2004: Emory University
Ph.D. 2008: University of Cambridge
Remco Merkx
Former Postdoc (2008-2009)
Ph.D. 2008: Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)
Lisa Cooper Powers
Former Graduate Student (2004-2009, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2004: Western Washington University, WA
Leigh Anne Furgerson Ihnken
Former Graduate Student (2004-2009, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2004: Lake Forest College, IL
Investigator, API Chemistry & Analysis at GlaxoSmithKline
Bo Li
Former Graduate Student (2004-2009, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2004: Beijing University, China
Robert Cicchillo
Former Postdoc (2006-2008)
B.S. & M.S. 1998: Youngstown State University
Ph.D. 2006: Pennsylvania State University
Young Ok You
Former Graduate Student (2003-2008, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1999: Seoul National University
Matthew Levengood
Former Graduate Student (2003-2008, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2003: Elizabethtown College, PA
Gregory Patton
Former Graduate Student (2003-2008, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2003: Miami University, OH
Amplification Development Group Leader at New England Biolabs
Cyril Jacquot
Former Graduate Student (2002-2008, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2002: Harvey Mudd College, CA
Associate Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics at The George Washington University
Emily Fogle
Former Postdoc (2005-2007)
B.S. 2000: Sonoma State University
Ph.D. 2005: University of California, Davis
Amanda McClerren
Former Postdoc (2005-2007)
B.S. 2000: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ph.D. 2005: Duke University
Gongyong Li
Former Postdoc (2004-2008)
B.S. 1998: Ocean University (Qingdao, China)
Ph.D. 2003: Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC)
General Manager at Shanghai R&D Center Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co.
Abdul Gabisi Jr
Former Graduate Student (2004-2007, M.S.)
B.S. 2004: University of Texas at Austin
Christopher Kerwood
Former Graduate Student (2003-2007, M.S.)
B.S. 2003: University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Michelle Ni Paine
Former Postdoc (2004-2005)
B.S. 1993: Nanjing University
M.S. 1996: East China University of Science & Technology
Ph.D. 2003: North Carolina State University
Sr. Business Technology Manager, W.R. Grace
Xingang Zhang
Former Postdoc (2003-2008)
B.S. 1998: Sichuan University
Ph.D. 2003: Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC)
Postdoc 2003-2007: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professor at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Heather Relyea
Former Graduate Student (2001-2006, Ph.D.)
B.A. 2001: Johns Hopkins University
Dow Biocides
Ryan Woodyer
Former Graduate Student (2001-2005, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2001: Illinois State University
Danica Galonic Fujimori
Former Graduate Student (2000-2005, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2000: University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Christopher McGinley
Former Graduate Student (2000-2005, Ph.D.)
B.S. 2000: University of Michigan, MI
Moushumi Paul
Former Graduate Student (1999-2005, Ph.D.)
B.A. 1999: Barnard College, NY
Scientific Review Officer at National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Champak Chatterjee
Former Graduate Student (1999-2005, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1997: University of Bombay
Russell P . Pesavento
Former Graduate Student (1999-2004, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1999: University of Evansville, IN
UIC Assistant Professor / Associate Dentist at Dr. Ginger Christian & Associates
Joshua Wheatley
Former Graduate Student (2000-2003, M.S.)
B.S. 2000: Southwestern College, KS
Wesley Swanson
Former Graduate Student (2000-2003, M.S.)
B.S. 2000: Butler University, IN
Yantao Zhu Hughes
Former Graduate Student (1998-2003, Ph.D.)
M.S. 1998: Peking University, China
Director of Strategy & Growth at Ascend Performance Materials
Lili Xie
Former Graduate Student (1998-2003, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1998: University of Science and Technology of China
Senior Principal Scientist at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR)
Kevin M. McCauley
Former Graduate Student (1998-2003, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1998: Southeast Missouri State University
Director of Advanced Technology - Advanced Materials at STERIS
Matt D. Gieselman
Former Graduate Student (1998-2003, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1998: Olivet Nazarene University, IL
Hao Zhou
Former Graduate Student (1997-2002, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1995: Peking University, China
Former Postdoc with James Cook
Lundbeck Pharma
Jennifer M. Vrtis
Former Graduate Student (1997-2002, Ph.D.)
B.A. 1997: Cardinal Stritch University, WI
Formerly Abbie, passed away 2020.
Nicole M. Okeley
Former Graduate Student (1997-2002, Ph.D.)
B.S. 1997: University of Michigan, MI
Former Postdoc with Muchael Gelb
Seattle Genetics
Sheng Peng
Former Postdoc (1999-2003)
Ph.D. 1999: Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC)
Justin Shey
Former Graduate Student (1997-2002, Ph.D.)
B.A. 1996: Rice University, TX
Rashna Balsara
Former Postdoc (1998-2002)
B.S. 1985, M.S. 1991 & Ph.D. 1998 Bombay University
Erin Criswell
Former Graduate Student (1999-2001, M.S.)
B.S. 1999: Elizabethtown College, NY
E Ink Corp